Robes de Papier (EN)

Les Robes de papier – From creation to performance

Originally, Robes de Papier is a performance that questions information overload and its impact on society. Alice-Anne proposes to consider an alternative use of the media, by generating a real collective experience rather than a virtual one. The public is invited to live an experience that cannot be reproduced. The six dancers perform four tableaux that illustrate a feeling of gradual burial under the weight of information that creates a disconnection of humans from one another.

This artwork offers a reflection on the quality of communication, on its alteration by the exponential multiplication of sources and informational media and on a creative way to divert the flow, with the aim of federating links through experience

The objective of this project was to create a unique experience, which diverted the usual use of one of the channels of informational dissemination. I wanted to create a unique context where the institutional parade is deconstructed and leaves room for an interpretation among the possible interpretations, where, after having experienced the attributes of the expansion of information channels, one frees oneself from their oppressive hold by skinning new.

Filles de Papier, PAP, Guadeloupe, 2016

Image : Matias Pardo – Models : Diana DelphinJohanna DelphinBrigitte Golabkan

Makeup : Aude Mazzer – Lights : Christophe LechnerSerge BonnetPablo Müller

Coordination : Valerie Godefroy – Production : Karine Linon


Robes de Papier, the performance, Presentation of the master’s thesis, Montréal, Canada, 2014

Image : Juliette Schmidt – Lights : Charlotte Hoffmann

Performers : Sophie Breton, Claudia Chan Tak, Ariane Dessaules, Christine Heyraud, Sandrine Martel-Laferrière, Gabrielle Surprenant-Lacasse

Makeup : Jessica Boucher-Fortin – Hairdressing : Corentin Le


F aime R,  Terra Festival, Guadeloupe, 2015

Image : Aurélien Brusini, Nicolas Defaux – Lights : Sébastien Étonno

Performes : Octavia Miranda, Sidney Solvar


March of Dimes,  Montreal, Canada, 2017

Image : Sachin Shrestha


Création processDétails, 2014-2019

We are solicited by continuous flows of information that comes from more and more media. They stick to our skin like a garment. Sometimes evolution takes a break in the frantic quest for the quick and the efficient. The process matters more than the goal.

There is something meditative about making the Paper Robes, because the gesture is repeated, to the point of inscribing itself in the body. The setting in dance by the performers gives life and movement to an otherwise immobile material.

Image : Nans Bortuzzo, Sophie Becquet, Aurélien Brusini

Models : Jenny Cowart – Performes : Octavia MirandaSidney Solvar

Makeup : Jessica Boucher-Fortin
